Brow Transformation. #TransformationTuesday #BeautiqueWL #BeforeAndAfter #AnastasiaBrows #BrowLady #RegencySalonSuites #AnastasiaProducts #Brows
They definitely don’t just happen by chance. Call (805) 416-6688 to book your appointment. #BeautiqueWL #RegencySalonSuites #Brows #BrowLady
Before and after an eyebrow waxing. Even with great arches, sometimes all you need is a little clean up. #BeautiqueWL #RegencySalonSuites #BeforeAndAfter #Brows #Eyebrows #AnastasiaBrows #BrowLady
Come in to Beautique and get your eyebrows shaped. Properly shaped brows bring balance and proportion to the face. #BeautiqueWL #RegencySalonSuites #BrowLady #Brows
Before and after eyebrow waxing! #BeautiqueWL #BeforeandAfter #Eyebrows #RegencySalonSuites #Brows #WestlakeVillage #AnastasiaBrows #BrowLady
Come in for your brow shaping!! A holiday brow is the perfect look for the season! Hurry to book. Also get your gift certificate for brows, makeup, or brow products the perfect gift. #beautiquewl #browlady #holidayideas #permanentmakeup #makeup
My client Chelsea had faded uneven tattooed brows. I reshaped and darkened the color. I took the pic right after we finished, so the brows will lighten in the next two weeks. Then we will do the Final touch up session. #beautiquewl #browlady #drrivkin
Come in and get the most amazing brow pencil! The Brow Wiz has a soft lead and doesn’t have to be sharpened. #beautiquewl #browlady #holidayideas #regencysalonsuites